Monday, November 14, 2011

Must Have Monday

I love hearing what works for other moms and there little ones, and thought you might like to hear some of our favorite things. So, I will be starting a series called "must have Monday." each week I will share one of our can't live withouts with you.

This week my must have is the Summer Infant SwaddleMe. From day one we have swaddled B when he sleeps. We have found it's soothing for him, and really helps him sleep better. At first we just swaddled with a crib blanket but soon are future basketball star got too tall for this and had to find a different way. When we found this swaddle we were kicking ourselves for not searching it out sooner. Here is the product description from the company.

"Wrap your baby in the comfort of the SwaddleMe and rest assured she will sleep safe, sound and secure. As the original fitted swaddling blanket, the renowned SwaddleMe soothes infants and reduces symptoms of colic by recreating the familiar, soothing snugness of the womb. It also reduces the incidence of the startle reflex, allowing babies to sleep for longer periods of time. The award-winning SwaddleMe has revolutionized the way babies - and parents - sleep around the world and it has forged an international renaissance in swaddling. New studies show that swaddling may help reduce the risk of SIDS by promoting a safer level of sleep and by providing better sleep when infants are on their back."

My favorite features are the Velcro that secures the Swaddle so you are not struggling to tuck the blanket just right. I also love that you just stick baby in and don't have to worry about pre-folding. The only con I found was you have to completely unswaddle the baby for middle if the night diaper changes.

We have even extended our use of this product. Now that Brody can roll over we swaddle him with his arms out so he still feels secure and kept warm, but his arms are free to move about independently.

I was not paid or compensated in any way for this post. I just love this product.

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