Friday, January 3, 2014

Catch the Moment 365

Nurse Loves Farmer

This year I am going to take part in the "Catch the Moment 365" Challenge hosted by Sarah at Nurse Loves Farmer, and a couple other ladies I'm excited to get to know through this adventure! 

 My wonderful husband got me a FANTASTIC camera for Christmas….
Check out that beaut 

This camera far surpasses the quality of any camera I have ever owned. A fact that both thrills and terrifies me. I know this camera has so many features that are just waiting to be discovered. And when I read about The 365 challenge I knew this was the perfect way for me to almost be forced to use, use, use and use this beauty. The idea of this challenge is to take one picture everyday for the entire year. Each week I will be posting my pictures from that week. I am going to try to mainly use my DSLR, but know a few iPhone pics will make there way in there because hey, let's be honest, sometimes instagram turns out some fantastic shots. 

The other reason I love this challenge is because it will offer a serious glimpse into our lives this year. Ever since my mom got sick I really have been challenged with the idea of taking more pictures and putting myself in more pictures even if I don't want to. That way when the time comes that memories fade, there will still be reminders left for myself and others to enjoy. 

Here's a few pics from the last couple days :)

Now that I see these images nice and big on my screen I'm even MORE excited about this challenge because I can see how incredibly far I have to go lol! 


  1. Found you through the 365 linkup! Congrats on your new camera- you will LOVE it and love the memories you capture :)

  2. look forward to getting to know you through this 365 Challenge. I hope to improve my skills by doing this challenge AND have something to look back and remember each day of the year.
